Tuesday 4 March 2008

Heaven! :-)

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Blog Workshop

A few weeks ago I heard that there will be a blog workshop on Tuesday the 4th of March. I have been considering to start blogging already for quite a while. I have been inspired by different blogs. Friends of mine kept a blog during an intensive nine month course. Others kept one during an extended trip overseas. While I was searching for reviews on a book I was reading, I came across an interesting blog of an English theolgian studying in Germany. The different things they were doing with their blogs are things I would like to do too: sharing the processes I am in, the places I am going and the philosophies I am pondering.

There are some challenges too. I have a choice of three languages to write in. English would make communication with people from all over the world easier. A Dutch blog would connect me to the people living around me, but on the other hand it would be strange for family and friends back home if I am not writing in Afrikaans. Then again, if I choose Dutch or Afrikaans I might miss a connection with some intelligent form of life "out there".

In the end I might start three blogs, but for now I think one is enough! So welcome to my blog. As they say in Dutch: We zien wel waar het schip strand. (We'll see where the ship hits the shore... )